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发布日期:2024-08-16 10:44    点击次数:160



In the world of esports, League of Legends is a popular game that attracts millions of players globally. It has become crucial to have a good player-versus-environment (PVE) strategy to maintain a high level of performance. In this article, we will explore several PVE techniques that the League of Legends esports manager can use to boost their team's performance.

Tip #1: Understanding AI Behavior

Understanding AI behavior is the first and foremost technique that every esports manager needs to master. Against AI enemies, learning their behavior is crucial to developing a solid PVE strategy. For instance, the player can pay attention to AI movements, timings, and abilities to develop a countermeasure. Once you have an understanding of the AI’s behavior, you can develop a PVE strategy that takes advantage of their weaknesses and puts pressure on their strengths to defeat them.

Tip #2: Team Composition

The team composition is another factor that affects a team's PVE competitiveness in League of Legends. Teams need to select champions based on their roles and abilities. The team should be built to create synergy, and the champions should complement each other's skills. The manager may opt for selecting champions with strong attack damage or champions with high defense to survive the AI onslaught. The key is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each champion and maximize their potential to achieve PVE greatness.

Tip #3: Improving Mechanics

One of the most critical elements of League of Legends PVE is improving mechanics. Mechanical skills are essential to executing strategies and outplaying the AI enemies. The esport manager should encourage their team to practice movements, last-hitting, and ability combos to improve their mechanics. Mechanical skills improve a player's ability to perform tasks effectively and efficiently, leading to faster transition and increased PVE success rates.

Tip #4: Warding and Vision Control

Warding and vision control play a crucial role in PVE success in League of Legends. The manager can use wards and control to obtain information about the AI’s movement and activity. With this information, the team can plan attacks and ganks that are more likely to succeed. The manager can also use vision control to ensure the team's safety and limit the AI’s movement. A well-coordinated vision strategy can give the team a significant advantage in PVE.

Tip #5: Tactical PVE Planning

A well-detailed tactical plan is essential for any successful PVE run in League of Legends. The manager can develop strategies to maximize champions' abilities and counter the AI’s strengths. The team can strategize on the best routes and approaches to defeat the AI enemies effectively. But most importantly, tactical PVE planning involves contingency planning. The team should have a plan B, C, and even D in case their initial plans fail. A good plan is the backbone of every PVE success story in League of Legends.


In summary, developing a PVE strategy is essential to achieving success in esports. The League of Legends esport manager can use various PVE techniques explained above to improve their team's performance. Understanding the AI behavior, team composition, improving mechanics, warding and vision control, and tactical planning are excellent ways to start. With these techniques, you can give your team the advantage they need to win any PVE match in League of Legends.

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